Actual transparency might have been a tad much, methinks. Jun 2, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Linda Reynolds. it's a saying to those who live up to what they are being called (like a really caring person or loving father) because no one else has said it before. I suppose there are folks out there in worse shape than myself that still maintain a positive attitude. It's genius and should be done more often! Charles Swindoll; We cannot change our past. Thanks. You didn’t need surgery? In a good way. "Three hours of Tenant is just too much." He seemed more grandfatherly and less cold, calculating evil. 4373 matching entries found. if you are trying to be someone you aren’t, then you are just not going to be happy. He's not, in the words of own criticism, " that great baby". “I have plowed and reaped and husked and chopped and mowed, and can any man do more than that?” (Sojourner Truth) Truer words were never spoken in 1851 and in 2016 as well. Photo by Tisse Mllon, via The subtitle of Shakespeare's Histories is Ten Epic Plays at a Breakneck Pace, and truer words have never been spoken, … ... Over time the scars may heal, but the words that were spoken will never be forgotten. Watching Hamlet fall is only tragic if we get a glimpse of his old noble and generous nature–which should not entirely disappear once his father dies. Ophelia never gets much to work with. But then … here’s the ghost, standing among everybody. There are written commentaries of the production when it was first performed that talk about how active Hamlet was; he ran around the stage and acted like a crazy person, and this is part of what the people loved about him. Ros & Guil seemed more concerned that he called them out than that he may or may not be mad. Let the opposition I pretty much completely agree with you here. That seems to have escaped me as well (not that I ever seriously sought it). Could I have DVR’d it? with modern technology – I sat on Twitter and did play-by-play throughout most of the show. Really pale makeup? Enter your username in the "Instagram Username" box. She doesn’t go skinny-dipping in the First Folio, I don’t believe. This movie was more for them than for us. Even the nerdiest nerd will, pushed to his limits, throw that haymaker punch that knocks the bully out. Simply put. I have a job and a car to drive. I called it "The Shrug Heard Round The World": Later when he physically starts touching people it only emphasizes this problem. I’m sure if I went back and paid closer attention I could find others doing it. Such an incessantly hopping, scampering, arm-flapping, eye-rolling Skeletor of a Hamlet. When Laertes gets in his cheap shot and Hamlet realizes that he’s been using a sharpened foil, Tennant’s “Nay, come again!” is very clearly, as I wrote on Twitter, him really saying, “Oh you mother f%^&*ing son-of-a%^”. But these are just my .2 cents (adjusted for inflation.). Hamlet does it, Polonius does it. (Didn’t love my review? "Three hours of Tenant is just too much." I think what I got from it is that he was really on edge from the minute his father died – anything could have set him off. Can we talk Patrick Stewart? He doesn’t look like a ghost. This post is a deliberate complement …, Review : David Tennant as Hamlet, Nerd of Denmark. Read more quotes from John Greenleaf Whittier. So I just watched it last night and the best I can say is that it wasn't a total wash. Any production with such a stirring speech from the Player King is worth seeing. I think the ghostliness was supposed to come from all that white mist swirling around (that and him being invisible on the security cameras). 'The truth of the matter is, if you don't think Shakespeare is a great poet, you haven't done the work to encounter him as he demands to be encountered'. He’s got the throne, he’s got the queen, he’s got everything well in hand and he knows it. Add instagram feed. The Elizabethans, unlike us, were "word people". I can go on and on quoting familiar philosophers, statesman, business people, etc. I wrote about it in another post later. (obviously the "painted woman" idea) I don't think she can be blamed directly for that. Share this quote: Like Quote. I just put them differently I think.I do disagree about Ophelia. Before he ever sees the ghost, he’s got issues. Thanks for the redirect Shakespal. What’s up with this dude’s eyes? As for me, Hitler is My God and Himmler is My Archangel. They certainly didn't have lighting effects. A jab at Christianity using with great irony its own denominations. JM. When you look directly at the camera you destroy all suspension of disbelief and pull the audience back up to the “Hello there, I’m an actor on a stage doing a show for you, is it not lovely?” level. Share this quote: Like Quote. He … Forgive my ignorance, but after watching the movie in its entirety I failed to notice the Patrick Stewart WTF moment… Since the film's been out a while, I don't think we have to worry about spoilers anymore. tags: life, words. Good "sendup" in most of the places it needs "sending up". I loved her from the moment she stepped on screen and the parts of West Side Story that made pause and think were mostly scenes she was a part of. The supporting cast around him, tolerating him, are the funny ones. I have a roof over my head and food to eat. One of my oldest friends, (who is a pessimist) has told me repeatedly that my attitude is what he loves and admires most about me. He realizes, not that he’s been poisoned, but simply that Laertes is essentially cheating, trying to hurt him. It's not so much the double casting that got me, although I admit I'd never really thought much about it (see new post on the subject). moment. Unknown. What about love? This works later in the play, of course, but it’s very offputting in the beginning. Many a true word is spoken in jest is an adage, aphorism or proverb.A version of this appears in the Prologue to "The Cook's Tale" (written in 1390) by Geoffrey Chaucer: "Ful ofte in game a sooth I have herd saye! Apparently, I haven’t been too subtle about it. And oh look, it’s Patrick Stewart. Truer Words Were Never Spoken! Had they kept him at bay, lit him differently, dressed him in something more "ghostly" (all white, or something? It’s a bit of a shame, really, when you have such a high powered “leading two” like this, because no one else is going to get the time of day. Let me just first say that watching Shakespeare on “live” TV as if it were some sort of major event was just awesome. It's a quote from William Shakespeare's Hamlet, and truer words were never spoken. STOP THAT, it is very disconcerting. I’ve honestly never seen Dr. Who, none of them, so I come to David Tennant’s performance with no preconceptions. I like david tennant, but yes — he did totally Jim Carrey that up. All I can say is that there's a moment when you'll stare aghast at your screen and mutter a disbelieving "Oh, Patrick…no…oh, no"… It is the biggest WTF moment in a movie full of them. I mean, things can always be worse than they are , right? What a dreadful Hamlet! In my opinion, it's another step toward the [my] vision, but there's still much to be done. Later when speaking with Horatio it seems like he does the opposite, getting well up into his friend’s personal space for no good reason. He’s exactly the kind of king who, after Hamlet kills Polonius, has his thugs tie Hamlet to a chair down in the soundproof basement before coming down, taking off his jacket, rolling up his sleeves …  they don’t end up going for any sort of interrogation/torture sequence, but they well could have. i think during the poisoning scene i always like Claudius to at least GAPE open mouthed at what he's seeing, not look like he's asleep in his throne, so hamlet and horatio can have that "ah ha!" William Shakespeare — ‘Many a true word hath been spoken in jest.’ Don't complain.". The work must go on. Thanks J. I think you noticed something re: Ophelia that I overlooked the first time, but might explain my position a bit. If you aren’t being true to yourself – i.e. At all. To me the man is Barty Crouch from the Harry Potter movie. I just plain didn’t buy her crazy. We can not change the inevitable. > > > YOU'RE A SCREW UP OF A DIFFERENT ORDER, WEBB, YOU CONSTANTLY > WANT ATTENTION (HMMM, LIKE ESSEX, AND YOUR "SOCIALIZING IS > UTTERLY DRAINING. A literal meaning; that the truth is often found in comic utterances. To Thine Own Self Be True. Charles Swindoll; We cannot change our past. ", Norman Vincent Peale stated; "Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes. posted by Buddy Wilds at 6:18 PM If I've understood right, people ask Sir Patrick about that gesture and he won't tell anybody. I wouldn’t have expected Claudius to do any of the dirty work, but he’d have no trouble having his goons do it. But this is a Polonius where you just know that you’d not want to be in the room, stuck waiting for him to finish his sentence. So, who moved them? But it still made for an odd staging. "Hamlet" is a play I thought, till now, was impossible to utterly and completely spoil. And so, twenty years older, we’re here to pen our thoughts on the plays of William Shakespeare. God has blessed me with talents, friends and family that love me and yes... A positive attitude. It is the biggest WTF moment in a movie full of them. No truer words were ever spoken it's a saying to those who live up to what they are being called (like a really caring person or loving father) because no one else has said it before. I liked the way he did the bedroom scene, for instance. Hamlet is a Prince. - IWSMT has amazing images, videos and anectodes to waste your time on i think i liked Horatio the best, to be honest. I can't even imagine that in a live theatre performance, much less one-on-one with the camera like that. Patrick Stewart. In a weird directorial choice, crazy apparently does mean stripping near naked (not sure if she went the full monty on the live show) in front of the king before running off. The ghost in the queen’s bedroom, by the way, was excellent. He’s practically Jim Carrey in some scenes, and that’s not a good thing in a Shakespearean tragedy. He looks, as I wrote on Twitter at the time, like he’s just walked out of a first-person shooter video game. What's the origin of the phrase 'Many a true word is spoken in jest'? Heh. Truer words were never spoken. But I have to wonder what is. No time to check the blog regularly? Seriously, the SS was without a shred of doubt the noblest and virtuous military organisation in history, perhaps only barely approached by the Spartans. Black eye make up doesn’t make you crazy, it makes you look like one of the kids from Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. seem to achieve has escaped me as well. We’re in the countdown hours until Cait leaves for college. One reason I abhor juries. Hanging out last night while it played I noticed two very different camps. Csmith saying that he phoned it in, i almost fully agree with that. See more ideas about words, inspirational quotes, quotes. Ok, now let’s talk about Dr. Who. > Truer words were never spoken. I definitely got "he's mad" from Gertrude and Polonious and "I'm'a tolerate you as long as you don't f* with me" from Claudius. Much of the movie is shot as if through the eyes of security cameras. Throughout the play we’ve had a very non-threatening Hamlet, someone who clearly thinks he’s the smartest kid in the room and gets by on his wits alone because he can. The actors look directly into the camera. Among the supporting cast I think her performance one of the best. i was truly disappointed in Stewart's subdued, minimal approach to the play within the play. Truer words were never spoken!” crossword clue: Winter hazards crossword clue: She's aware that she's losing her mind. Sign up for our weekly newsletter and we'll deliver it right to your inbox! At some point, you must have heard these infamous words: “This above all, to your own self be true!” They originate with the bard himself – William Shakespeare. Sure, and I did, kind  of — I was running maybe 45 minutes behind everybody else. Truer words were never spoken in Clarissa-land, where everyone's got something to prove. I’ve been trying to hold onto every moment. see, I can’t spoil things for people that haven’t seen it. That speech is so crucial to the play, and Tenant wrecks it completely. In other words perhaps I didn't "buy her as crazy" because she wasn't quite crazy…yet. Device used by Shakespeare has also appeared in 0 other occasions according to our records. Simply dreadful. What a dreadful Hamlet! Shakespeare Geek, The Original Shakespeare Blog. It’s like he took the job just so he’d get to do his crazy act. > Truer words were never spoken. I actually really liked Polonius. What a dreadful Hamlet! She seems to know what's happening to her. 43 Likes. > > THERE EVER WAS AN EDMUND SPENSER, > > > > Spenser's life is reasonably well documented, although Elizabeth is > > doubtless ignorant of it. tI needn't be a disconcerting occasion. Oh, and I love their Polonius so far as well. I can't help but feel the specificity of singling out an audience member helps enormously in delivering asides. When he is/is pretending to be insane, he's barefoot. Some aspects, like Tennant's performance, I can't really judge yet (Hamlet's only been in two scenes). I agree that Stewart's costume as the Ghost was unsettling. Perhaps that is because I have seen so many performances at the American Shakespeare Center's Blackfriars Playhouse, where audience interaction is a crucial technique of their performance. It’s like watching The Office. Don’t get me wrong, the man’s a good actor, and I’ll speak more on this in a minute. for example; I know no truer words were ever spoken but you're a really good friend. You could do variations on … On to the supporting cast, and by that I basically mean Patrick Stewart. It was interesting there, increasing the general paranoia of a man who thought everybody was his enemy, even if they had to come back from the dead to get him. 3 hours of Tenant is just too much. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. Charles Swindoll; We cannot change our past. Within the first ten minutes, I stood vastly corrected! Even though we become frustrated by the resistances we encounter, we can only become respected when we show respect ourselves. You are most yourself when attending to someone else…” A parent who majored in English remembers is that “no man is ever an island” is a quotation from John Donne, but can’t identify exactly where. Hamlet was extremely popular and well-loved by people throughout the court, and there's just no tangible emotion between Tenant and anybody. Asperger’s? I appreciate that in a live theatre production, certain asides and soliloquies could be directed at the audience. This is a story that happens to be Shakespeare, not a Shakespeare story. Your email address will not be published. I don’t think this is a bad thing, I think it’s an important thing. Did he stupidly imagine that being barefooted whilst wearing a suit was an original way to express madness? He always, always looks like he’s got some sort of psycho-stare going. That’s a neat way to do it. So far, I don't agree with your review, Duane. It was an interesting take and explained why everyone was able to take advantage of him so easily, other than he was merely a people-pleaser/social-climber. Play Another Crossword. "Truer words were never spoken" - William Shakespeare #AQuoteAboutQuotes #SeeWhatWeDidThere #TotallyMeta If we want to talk about the Shakespeare first and the actor is secondary, we can do that too. He was just sort of there, like one of the boys hanging out, Claudius coming to see what the night watch was up to. Ohh the Claudius "thing"–talk about bad choices… . ", William Shakespeare professed; "Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so.". However, I LOVED the doubling of King Hamlet/Ghost and Claudius, which I've only seen once in a live performance. Yes, the Ghost is more often double-cast with the Gravedigger, the Player King, or both, but I know an actor right now who is playing Claudius and the ghost. The stars here are the actors, not the words. your own Pins on Pinterest Truer words were never spoken about any artist who deviates from the accepted standards. But then there were the Tennant fans who thought he killed it, and actually made Shakespeare interesting. Can’t wait to get back to seeing Shakespeare in live performance (sigh). Something I spotted in this production that though it's in the text I've never fully appreciated it — after Hamlet's "I am but mad north by northwest" comment, R&G go and report to Claudius who says, "and can you get from him no circumstance why he puts on this confusion?" You are most yourself when attending to someone else…” A parent who majored in English remembers is that “no man is ever an island” is a quotation from John Donne, but can’t identify exactly where. That was weird. Well Duane, you outdid my review at the Place in the length department. You have to see it. 1,413 points • 172 comments - Truer words were never spoken! The security camera-shots were well-done, for example, and deepened a sense of paranoia throughout the show.Editing was a problem but for different reasons than have been given here–I don't think it was edited enough. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. Why shouldn’t he have some social adjustment difficulties? She doesn't just show up in one seen as full-on loonybird, we see her more in that descent toward madness. The first author to express this thought in English was probably Geoffrey Chaucer. JM has his own take on this one over at The Shakespeare Place.). Hamlet will often look directly at them, and at one point rips one out of the wall. I'll admit the Ghost's armor was pretty silly-looking. All in all, nothing compares to live. And what made Tenant think the audience longed to … Oh, and your breath reeks. All I can say is that there’s a moment when you’ll stare aghast at your screen and mutter a disbelieving “Oh, Patrick…no…oh, no…..”  I can only hope for the love of all that is good and Shakespeare in the world that what happens in that moment was purely a director’s choice and that Stewart was forced to do it against his will. As for his interactions with Horatio, I think that was set up nicely by the use of "our philosophy" instead of "your.". WTF? The sign says "We are all connected in some way." There were the Shakespeare fans who were hesitant, at best, about Tennant’s performance. And there was that very clear moment–after the Ghost disappeared–when he snapped, which just isn't Hamlet to me. It's quite simple, in this production, about his going barefoot. And what made Tenant think the audience longed to see his ugly feet for any amount of time? Who is Dr. Who, anyway? It is usually expressed as, “Truer words were never spoken.”, and is kind of a generic response to statements like, “You sure are lucky to have such a nice wife.” “Truer words were never spoken.” Or, “They cured it with meds? Maya Angelou; "If you don't like something, change it. I'll agree that the staring at the camera was distracting, as well as the security cameras. “Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.” ― John Greenleaf Whittier, Maud Muller - Pamphlet. A wise man once said ‘no man is ever an island’ and truer words were never spoken. Reply: "Truer words were never spoken. As to the interpretation of Hamlet, this seems to be very close to the original version. Truer words were never spoken. I like that. But it was important to me to watch it as live as I could, as if we were watching the Academy Awards or something. Ok, here’s my overall summary of David Tennant as Hamlet. On the Customize screen turn off the Use default mobile theme option under Advanced Options. Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us. Simply dreadful. Laertes is … goofy. How do you think the Ghost was made ghostly on the Elizabethan stage? Grabs him, hugs him. If we could get the Harlowe family on Dr. Phil's couch, we might ask them to break down exactly why pride is more important than keeping family bonds intact (and if we could answer that … And what made Tenant think the audience longed to … Which gets very weird, because he’s looking you in the eye and he’s telling you, “I’m not crazy, I’m just acting this way.”  There are parts when it ends up making him look like an insufferable ass, like a spoiled child who’s not gotten his way and is now throwing a gigantic tantrum up and down the palace while everybody tries to humor him. Truer words have never been spoken. Truer Words Were Never Spoken There was a group at Artica making an artistic statement about how all of us - and perhaps all things - are interwoven. How about fame? The cameras move and track, as if somebody is controlling them. But neither group is going to be more right than the other. 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