Be next to your team, but not to the point you're hugging. World Ranking: N/A. Because of how, It provides 20 armor and reduces auto attacks by 12%. Sapphire. What happens in the laning phase has a big impact on how the mid-late game will go. They ended up just tilting each other and flaming each other more over-time until they all wanted to throw the towel and give up. NEW YEAR SAME JHIN. You can take Doran's ring and spam your Q, It is very important that you make sure you get, Once you get level 6, you can setup kills easily by spamming your Q, Do not allow her to get control of the lane through shoving. So four example, you would build. 9 30 seconds. 86. Tell your team to do baron! If they get caught by a fully charged. Pearl. You want to be able to play aggressive, but if you get too low you'll be unable to do exactly that. You want to mirror their positioning otherwise they'll dash and kill you. Esports profile for League of Legends player Ayman "I Keep It Taco" -: $600.00 USD in prize money won from 1 tournament. Subscribe | - Shared May 31, 2020. A rating system that measures a users performance within a game by combining stats related to role, laning phase, kills / deaths / damage / … I'm " I Keep it Taco ", a Master Tier Jhin player and streamer. Print. It's more of an even match-up and anyone can come out on top. Play for early-mid game. So, you want to trade aggressively in short trades and long trades. Riot Games made it easy for us to calculate Lethality – simply by hovering over the item, it will tell you how much Lethality you currently have on your champion. 1 Champion Spotlight 2 Recommended Items 3 Tips 4 Playstyle 4.1 Ability Usage 5 Runes 6 Items 7 Synergies & Counterpicks 8 References Playing As Jhin Deadly Flourish has incredible range. Figure out who you can manage to attack. Play with caution around level 6 and continue to play like this to deny her any chance of snowballing. 4️⃣ Follow the Stream!!!! Lethality Yi / Silver 1 52LP / 6W 9L Win Ratio 40% / A rating system that measures a users performance within a game by combining stats related to role, laning phase, kills / deaths / damage / … Whether their abilities are on cooldown or not will affect how you focus. When you feel you need lifesteal and want to increase your survivability. 16:32. 1350 / N/A . Many times this can result in you getting engaged on as a team and wombo combo'd. These Jhin plays are on the next-level.... Related Videos. If someone squishy doesn’t have flash and you believe you can assassinate them quickly then go for it. It's usually best for clean up and sometimes engaging one 1 pick. Flanks! Eternals. This is good if you want to save gold and gain early mobility. I Keep It Taco. MF goes full lethality, jhin goes part lethality, twitch goes no Lethality Twitch duskblade solidifies a snowball lead though. Example: If a 10-0 Zed gets engaged/stunned and he’s next to you then walk within range focus him instead of the Leona that was on top of you. OR. His W. This is one of the more straightforward match-ups out of the guide. Focus order should be from the biggest threat to the lowest and depending on your positioning and if you’re safe then you work your way up the list on who you can focus. You’ll have to do the opposite here where instead of you being close to Taliyah for her. Stay close range as he is very easy to punish as a melee support with only 1 stun ability and nothing else to stop you from trading and bullying him. +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) Long trades are bad because she'll gain max stacks and auto attack you while you're reloading since you're unlikely to kill her from 100-0 this early in the game. Focus them quickly in order to make it a 5v4. If a threat is blocking let's say a talon is trying to kill and chase you. i keep it taco season 10. 4️⃣ #leagueoflegends #Jhin. 14 28 seconds. When, Be mindful of his pull at all times. And more Flanks! Jhin channels and reveals himself for a total of 10 seconds. But, when I find those rare moments where it's a good time to buy Lethality. Use Q after an auto so you don't waste time and have the next auto attack ready to wind up. Please login or register. Jhin's 4th round will critically strike and is unstoppable. You don't want to take short trades with her or poke with your Q, As always, try to give yourself some room to be able to dodge her snare. Recorded 01-04-2021. History Players Tournaments Teams Leagues Games Tips Forums Search. ... NEW YEAR SAME JHIN. Obsidian. Everyone now has heals and shields in lane, and thus Jhin cannot all-in by himself. You'll want to play aggressively, but also smartly and slow. Jhin build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. It’s very satisfying to shred their armor all the way to 0 and just delete everyone. A lot of people are still rushing, The Lethality build is by far my favorite build. its legit terrible absolutlely no way an extra bit of dmg proc (its only a little cuz ur not gonna out level enemy solo lanes and jg) … This will be combining the knowledge and goals of the first two builds. You must be logged in or register before you cancast your vote. Try not to trade early as she will have an extra potion over you and the only thing she wants to do is trade and heal all lane. I'm "I Keep It Taco", resident Jhin League Streamer/Youtuber but my Reddit handle is different, thus the mentioning of my name in my title. Fixed Armor Penetration = lethality x (0.6 + 0.4 x level / 18) = 21 x (0.6 + 0.4 x 10/18) = 21 x (0.6 + 0.4 x 0, 55) = 21 x (0.6 + 0.22) = 21 x 0.82 = 17.2. It is important that you try to position close to Taliyah as her combo is rather short range and if you want to be able to follow up with her then you have to be near here before the combo happens! If you try to help your team too early then talon will just kill you so wait for him to give up or get focused by a teammate. Then back off and let them 4v4. +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) It should be common knowledge, but a lot of people don't know you can, Trading patterns: Take short trades and poke with your Q, Because of her immobility, it is incredibly easy to force an all-in onto her. 347K views. 333K views. Focus on keeping your health high and avoid being poked. Ruby. A trading pattern is how you're going to use your champions kit to go in and out to trade with the enemy in the most efficient way possible while also making sure you're not putting yourself in danger. She will try to breeze through the laning phase by spamming her Q, Try to trade more often with auto attacks than your Q, She also doesn't have the best all-in until items and levels as her Q, Understand her range and one shot potential. If important fed champions are nearby and caught out then go focus them instead. Make sure to walk close to, He can jump onto minions that might be on top of you and that will reliably allow him to cast his Q, Be aware that he can no longer charge taunt then, In-general, it's going to feel like a 1v2 so play to farm and wait for the enemy botlane to missposition and make mistakes. It pairs well with, When you need lifesteal, magic resist, and a way to get yourself out of CC. Jhin Gaming and some... 12 14 seconds. Whether it's you or, The way around that issue is that instead of focusing the ADC all the time. Search. 9 30 seconds. Try to get into their mindset, especially assassins. We had 2 toxic duo players and then 2 solo Q players. Share. The Tyler1 Experience. All except Suppression, Stasis, and Displacements. I'm also known as Jordanian Sniper, Lejhind, or Jhin Marston on other accounts. You have two choices here. I'll be listing them below. I've dedicated myself to only playing Jhin and one of the very few remaining Jhin mains in high elo. Her range is 525 while you're at 550. You may also Sign In using your Social Media. Playing overly safe leads to lowered and less favorable DPS. Fourth Act of Surprise Enemy champions hit by … Be brave! Ranked Solo. Only all-in when she gets low. He gains massive range and can cast his Curtain Call up to 4 times with a 1-second cooldown between casts. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! Q. Cooldown: 7 / 6.5 / 6 / 5.5 / 5 seconds ∙ Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 mana ∙ Range: 550. It removes all disables except Suppression or Knockups. I Keep It Taco - Jhin Discord Leaderboard. XD. #leagueoflegends #Jhin He's squishy and does low damage. Mage matchups are pretty simple thankfully. You have to play it slow and be weary of her range. 10:45. League of Legends Premiere Jhin Strategy Builds and Tools. I showed No Mercy to Red Mercy with Lethality Jhin - YouTube [11.1] IKeepItTaco's GrandMaster Jhin guide - Season 11. 27. focuses on I Keep It Taco, Phy and Katlife. Alternatively, if you are low in the heal and engage department then try to avoid trading entirely and only play for scaling. The dragon is spawning in 1 minute. 1.8M views. Play smart and play slow. After level 3-4 and onwards try to freeze the lane around your tower and try to trade often since you'll have the safety of your tower. If he has 1 or 2 turrets saved up then you can feel free to engage on him and kill him. Play it slow and look towards bursting her down the second she gets cc'd. Play Online. Her Q, Take short trades against her. :D. It will be mandatory. We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, … Lethality Jhin / Gold 2 40LP / 45W 46L Win Ratio 49% / Jhin - 22W 7L Win Ratio 76%, Akali - 4W 2L Win Ratio 67%, Kayn - 2W 3L Win Ratio 40%, Ekko - 1W 3L Win Ratio 25%, Kai'Sa - 1W 3L Win Ratio 25% If the enemy has a engage support then you have to play passively while if they have a safe support then you can win through poking and healing with, Play the lane slowly and win through trading. Which is a shoved lane! 256 16 @vosian whore 227 17 @Yukuna 225 18 @warrior poet 220 19 … Recorded 01-05-2021. Don't let her breath and always keep her under pressure. Shove back with your Q, Avoid long trades and skirmishes at all costs. I suppose I should give a little insight. I made a guide shortly after the buffs using all the knowledge I had on current Jhin. Jhin is in a good spot right now and he's being played more as well because of it. Penguin didn’t confirm whether this mechanic will see a comeback, but at least Jhin mains can be at ease knowing that Riot has acknowledged the issue. haha teemo goes BRRR... 10 34 seconds. Add a photo to this gallery. As always, once he gets his ultimate you have to be careful and pay attention to your HP bar as it can be easy to die to his ultimate if you're not paying attention. Because he has low movement speed and no dashes. Unranked S2020 Total ; Ranked Solo ; Ranked Flex 5v5 ; Jhin CS 180.0 (6.4) 2.65:1 KDA. His E has a 25 second cooldown so once he uses it try to mark him with a Q, His primarily damage in lane will come from his Q. Bully him hard in the laning phase. Once she applies poison to you then she can spam her, Go in and out with short trades. Do not play safe as that will give in to his win condition. Do not feel pressured to auto attack or fight. Bully him in the early levels. You must find a good balance. Stay healthy so when you get a chance to engage and all-in you'll come out on top. Tell your teammates to take mid tower if it's below 30% HP or go to Herald and take it to take the tower later if the tower is currently at 70% HP. Turquoise. Some others might know me by "Jordanian Sniper", "Flash 4th Shot" or "UnFourJhinate". If you didn't get a big lead at level 1-2 then play safe and scale. Keep a good distance from the enemy, but also don't get too close to your own teammates. If you keep track of her W, If you end up fighting a 2v2 make sure to engage onto, When the mid-late game comes, be extremely careful and play around your W, Play aggressive in the laning phase to punish, Take short trades with her at first and try not to let her proc her W. In-general trade as often as you can as you will come out on top because you have far higher base damages than she does. If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. Play hyper aggressive. Her ultimate. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. You can actually beat engage champions with this combo because of the amount of damage in it. This will be a rare match-up, but it happens from time to time. However, if he has 3 turrets saved up then you should wait for him to use one or two then destroy them before jumping onto, Her kit is rather simple so your approach will be simple. You can all-in her at full health only if you have enough damage from your support or super ahead as. An Even Closer Look at Lethality – How Does LoL Lethality Work? Just a cowboy frog on a journey to reach ADC enlightenment. This 1 HP Nexus comeback is why I play League and Jhin. Just a cowboy frog on a journey to reach ADC enlightenment. She makes up for this by being an overly safe champion. So, it's that time to create a new guide and here I am! oh yeah and I'm a grand master Jhin so that's cool I guess. Sign Up. I'm "I Keep It Taco", a Master Tier Jhin player (Currently fell to D1 after being gutted but, Jhin buffed so hopefully not four long). Secure level 2 then slow push (this means only last hit the minions, do not use Q, As always, when you have support with great engage you want to hold your W, Play behind minions and use them as your shields. When she walks up to farm threaten her by auto attacking her and kiting towards her. Analyze the vision you have and figure out which parts of the map are safe. Take advantage by playing hyper aggressive and abusing her low HP pool. Pay attention to cooldowns. Even with the nerfs, it's still a decent buy against AD assassins, full AD comps, or just to reduce the amount of damage you take from autos in trades and skirmishes. Feel free to buy an early stopwatch beforehand so you're able to make a play with it. Look at the map a lot when you're just farming as it will give you information to pay attention to where the threats are and then you can mirror them in order to keep out of their way and stay safe. Don't impulsively use your ultimate. clean jhin vs samira ft. galeforce. I Keep It Taco Favorites Ladder Rank 131,873 (47.7% of top) Update Last updated: 2020-12-20 14:48:35. Read our Jhin build and cheat sheet. 161K views. “Hey taco, thanks for the report. I became well-known around the league community because of my Jhin guides and it's been 2 years+ since my last one. Buy, Gives 20% lifesteal which is quite a big deal when, This is by far the cheapest and most cost effective anti-burst item in the game for any ADC and, It has 120 magic damage when proc'd and chains up to 7 targets. Would you like to add a comment to your vote? 2vs8 . You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! The drawback of having a Taliyah support is that she is very squishy and easy to engage on. If you feel there are threats that will one-shot you. 3:07. Look towards all-in burst kills at level 6. Play hyper aggressive while avoiding any unnecessary poke. This is how you'll win them. After the laning phase is over, all you're really doing is farming, taking objectives, or teamfighting. Teamcomp wise people usually don't pull off the. Take. You scale well into her, but it is advised to take advantage of the laning as you are stronger. 13:42. I dislike traditional carries and enjoy playing champions like Jhin, Pantheon, Veigar, and Yasuo bot lane. Handle is different get boots early or upgraded boots too as it will make it a 5v4 at the laner! ) +9 Adaptive ( 5.4 AD or 9 AP ) +9 Adaptive ( 5.4 AD or AP... Being close to your own teammates images of the laning as you are low the! There will be summarized instead of focusing the ADC all the knowledge I had on current Jhin exactly. 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