All of them refused and staged a rebellion, but were defeated by Kaido. With this ability, he was able to easily shield Orochi from attacks with an unbreakable barrier.Semimaru eventually died of unknown causes, as his fruit’s powers are currently in the possession of Bartolomeo. When he overheard his money changer Kyoshiro talking about avenging his comrades, Orochi expressed his agreement and took the opportunity to warn his guests about Toki's prophecy and the impending Kozuki Family rebellion. During his reign, he had schools teach propaganda about him being the one to defeat Oden and maintain the country's isolation when, in reality, Kaido was the one to do those. He even shot a CP-0 agent, confident that they could do nothing against him. [1] He also used the variations "Gufuhahaha" and "Guhoho".[27]. Over 41 years ago, during her meeting with Orochi, she wore a tattered light kimono and dark pants, and had two lit candles fastened to her forehead with a headband. In a rash fit of rage, Zoro tried to attack Orochi and then went after the shogun until Kyoshiro interfered. After Orochi executed Yasuie, Zoro also learned from Hiyori about how Orochi fed the citizens of Ebisu Town faulty SMILE fruits to prevent them from expressing sadness over their suffering from his tyranny. His two upper canine teeth were longer than his other teeth and were blunt, remaining blunt in his Zoan hybrid form. [65], 41 years ago, Orochi worked as a servant for Shimotsuki Yasuie. In the Flower Capital school, Orochi has been lauded as being a powerful swordsman said to utilize a sword-style known as Orochi Nitoryu (オロチ二刀流, Orochi Nitōryū?, literally meaning "Orochi Two Swords Style"), and according to propaganda, he used this style to defeat Kozuki Oden and his retainers. Orochi commands an operation to prevent the rebels from mobilizing. Those who openly defied Orochi were either sentenced to death or condemned to life imprisonment in the Prisoner Mine of Udon. During the execution, Orochi was displeased that Oden was holding his retainers above him with a piece of wood, but Kaido did not mind. Damn you, how dare you interfere with the execution!! Anime [37][6] However, as Orochi attacked Toko, Komurasaki slapped him, which infuriated Orochi. However, they realize he was correct when seeing some of the Nine Red Scabbards preparing to raid Onigashima. Kaido then attempted to take over the remnants of Orochi's forces, all of whom are shocked as well, by giving them the choice of submission or death.[55]. Orochi thought highly of him and his connections, as he praised him during his banquet about the use of force against enemies. This shows that Orochi's cruelty is absolutely indiscriminate as he justified his tyranny to get revenge on the people of Wano for what happened to his family and him, despite the fact that not all Wano citizens were responsible in his horrible childhood. [21] Though his servants were often afraid to voice this skepticism out loud, Orochi was aware of the fact that he was thought of as paranoid, but overlooked this due to having the authority to have his commands carried out regardless. She was killed by Kaido for her interruption in his fight with Kozuki Oden.Higurashi ate the Mane Mane no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that enabled her to perfectly replicate other people’s appearances. [6] This arrogance blinded him to the fact that he was in truth just a pawn for Kaido and that Kaido only protected him as long as it suited his own interests. As a retainer of the Kozuki Family, he b… [54], However, Kaido was merely using Orochi as a pawn, and once Kaido revealed his New Onigashima Project, he beheaded Orochi when the latter objected to it, effectively ending their alliance. Mythical Zoan, Kurozumi Orochi[4] was the previous shogun of Wano Country and one of the last surviving members of the Kurozumi Family. Although he hates his country, Orochi desired to create an image of him being a heroic and strong ruler with a happy populace. [70] He approached the four other daimyo of Wano and gave them the choice to join him or die. The death of Kurozumi Orochi might be fake as he could have survived due to his Devil Fruit. [36], Orochi originally used to be in love with Komurasaki and desired to make the woman his. Orochi's cruelty towards the citizens stemmed from his tremendous hatred towards some of them for unjustly persecuting his family due to his grandfather's crimes, even though not all of them were involved in his family's execution and hunt. Kurozumi Orochi The daimyo all refused and staged a rebellion against him. [OP QUIZ] How Well Do You Know One Piece? [71], A few years before Momonosuke's return, Orochi mixed faulty SMILE fruits with the leftovers from the Flower Capital and fed them to the residents of leftover towns, robbing the poor of their ability to express anger or sadness. Orochi's twisted pride in his tyranny, dancing in delight amidst the false laughter of his citizens. Kyoshiro [edit | edit source] After Oden's death, Denjiro pretended to be Orochi's ally under the guise of Kyoshiro, the head of the Kyoshiro Family. [10] Over time, he gained a hatred for all the people of Wano, which extended to all those who had nothing to do with his suffering. Orochi gleefully planned for both of them to be disposed of together. The officials under him also harshly enforced his regime, and he collaborated with Kaido to not only kill Kozuki Oden,[2] but also allowed the Beasts Pirates to turn Wano into a nearly complete wasteland in exchange for borrowing Kaido's power and protection, disregarding his country and people in favor of his own self-interest. She was killed by Kaido 20 years ago.Toki ate the Toki Toki no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that enabled her to send herself and others forward in time.The greatest strength of the fruit is the user’s ability to transport out of dangerous situations by moving into the future, as shown when Toki transported her son and retainers to help them escape from the burning Oden Castle.It is impossible to travel into the past, meaning that all trips forward in time are irreversible. She was killed by Kaido for her interruption in his fight with Kozuki Oden. He had government officials working under him who enforced his rule, and has a group of elite ninja known as the Orochi Oniwabanshu as well as samurai known as the Mimawarigumi who served and protected him without question. [86] Kaido went on to explain his plan, which involves him taking full control and transforming Wano Country into a paradise for pirates and making all of its citizens its slaves, including those in the Flower Capital. Kyoshiro [edit | edit source] After Oden's death, Denjiro pretended to be Orochi's ally under the guise of Kyoshiro, the head of the Kyoshiro Family. [67] He also took over the shogunate's ninja squad known as the Kozuki Oniwabanshu, with their leader Fukurokuju submitting to him. If these things are not resolved I don't think one piece is worth reading in my opinion. He fought with Kikunojo after this revelation. But before he could do this, Oden throws the Nine Red Scabbards with all his strength to get them as far away as possible. For more information please refer to the documentation. Kozuki Oden is similar to Miyamoto Musashi , who was considered "The … [43] Because of his trust for Kyoshiro, Orochi left him in charge of the capital, which proved to be a huge error as it put Kyoshiro in a position to free the rebels who were imprisoned in the Flower Capital. As the ruler of the Wano Country, Kurozumi has access to the food and water that was not poisoned through the pollution but does not care about the majority of the country that does not have the eatable food and drinkable water. She had several missing teeth. He believed that with Kaido's support, not even the World Government nor World Nobles can overthrow him nor topple Wano. [56] He also had the backing of Kaido of the Four Emperors, so if he and his subordinates were threatened, Kaido would hear about it and deal with the threat,[4] which was proven in the past when Kaido brutally ended a massive rebellion staged by countless samurais banded together led by the daimyos serving the Kozuki Family against Orochi's new rule. [34] With Orochi's allies preventing Oden from killing him, Orochi put aside pretenses and treated Oden antagonistically, reveling in the trickery he had used to remove the Kozuki Family from power. The Evil Shogun of Wano, Kurozumi Orochi (One Piece) ruled over Wano Country despotically, until he was betrayed and killed by the very ally who backed him on the rule. 3 Gol D. Roger The Pirate King, Gol D. Roger is the only known person to have sailed their crew to Raftel. [25] Dissidents who were in hiding chose to bid their time among the Wano residents and were also prepared to rebel, but they are currently being hunted down and imprisoned in Rasetsu Town. Muhahaha!! [41] Also, she expressed her desire to kill Orochi with her own hands.[42]. Oden felt shocked and aghast at how the Kurozumi Family was unjustly persecuted for the actions of Orochi's grandfather and he did what Orochi said in the hopes of preventing him from offering innocent people as tribute for the Beasts Pirates. As one of the last members of the Kurozumi Family, who were disgraced and stripped of their power and authority, Orochi developed immense greed and thirst for power from an early age due to being forced to live in poverty since birth. When he bowed to Orochi as Kyoshiro, it made him feel really disgusted for it. Eight years before the start of the series, she was assassinated by Hody Jones. Enraged, Orochi proceeded to shoot Yasuie dead. In this case, the “moon” would be the royal families of Wano who all have Moon in their name. Despite his usual cautious attitude, Orochi could make rash decisions in the heat of the moment as he was willing to execute Yasuie in a public demonstration, without taking into account the latter's popularity with his citizens and the potential to arouse their dissatisfaction by killing him. Over 41 years ago, he was approached by Kurozumi Higurashi, who revealed to him how his grandfather unsuccessfully tried to become shogun by poisoning his fellow daimyo but was ultimately caught and forced to commit seppuku. [OP QUIZ] Which One Piece character he is? [33], When Oden returned from his voyage and found out that Orochi had not only seized the throne but had his allies attack Toki and Momonosuke, he instantly became enraged and attempted to slay Orochi. [6] With his rifle, he was able to shoot Shimotsuki Yasuie to death from a great distance away,[62] and was shown aiming directly at Toko's head when trying to shoot her. While Kaido and the All-Stars had no problem with betraying Orochi, the rest of the Beasts Pirates were shocked when they saw their Governor-General decapitate the shogun. He has bright long red hair down to the floor with the front hair sticking outward and down to his chest, with big lips and blush marks on his cheek in a similar manner to Bentham.He is rather tall, standing at 347 cm. [68] When Oden returned to Wano a year later, he went to the Flower Capital and attacked Orochi after hearing about his oppression. I feel orochi is evil but we have seen enough reason why he hated wano people because of witch hunt the clan had to suffer. English Name: [80], On the day before the Fire Festival, Orochi received some reports from Kanjuro. A tyrannical and greedy ruler, Orochi held absolutely no concern for the welfare of his citizens, favoring only the rich while oppressing the poor. True, I feel kurozumi needs to be redeemed in this arc. He was able to quickly draw his pistol and shoot a CP-0 agent in the head with it, although the agent was unharmed by the bullet. He learned about the alliance's plans and that Kozuki Hiyori is still alive and hiding in Ringo. Orochi was also a child living in squalor who had to (figuratively) look up to the moon. He was picky with his choice of food and extremely wasteful. [59] However, this is all false information to paint him as being a powerful shogun, as it was Kaido who defeated Oden, with Orochi not even being present during the battle. [7][8] Orochi was in truth extremely deceptive and dishonorable, bending laws and rules to suit his own needs and never acknowledging promises or deals to those that he viewed as a threat. [32] Orochi approached Oden humbly, but in reality considered him to be an enemy, as he was actively working to overthrow the Kozuki Family from the shogunate and rule in Oden's place, and was spending the money Oden gave him to manufacture weapons. [29] When they met for the first time since his return, Orochi was pleased to see him brought Momonosuke to him. [6] To give the impoverished citizens the facade of happiness, Orochi put defective SMILE fruits in their food supply to render them unable to express negative emotions.[12]. Kurozumi Orochi While Law and Scabbards split up but the scabbards team is caught up by Kanjuro with some well-drawn old fighter samurai to fight against them. Higurashi was an extremely old and decrepit woman with long, wild light hair and a cleft chin. [OP QUIZ] Can you name the Pirate Crew by their Jolly Roger? I have the power to act upon them!!! Japanese VA: They remain blunt in his hybrid form. ), an expression used in historical context by people of high social status in response to their servants. [27] Because of her beauty, Orochi gave her a chance to beg for mercy, but she refused, causing him to attack in a fit of rage. Him dying and freeing Wano from the Kurozumi Family curse is what you think, if Oda wants to have him imprisoned instead then that's good enough for him. [1] Only one head bore his eyes, mustache, and crown, while the others had more generic looks by comparison. Oden's attack was stopped by Kurozumi Semimaru, who used a barrier to protect Orochi. He did not think highly of Orochi, calling him a creep when he first saw him and frequently noting his pathetic disposition. All 11 Devil Fruit Users Who Have Died in One Piece Series, Top 10 Strongest Armament Haki Users – Ranked, Ryokugyu has a Time related Zoan Devil Fruit. To this extent, he prohibited the use of weapons and banned kendo, karate, and judo dojos to deprive any dissidents of the means to incite a rebellion. Orochi attacks Komurasaki for standing up to him. True, I feel kurozumi needs to be redeemed in this arc. )is a Japanese 8-headed mythological snake, the name meaning "eight-branch giant snake". In reality it foreshadowed the death and comeback of Orochi and that he will be Zoro’s final arc opponent . Kanjuro lost the fight, and it is currently unknown whether he is alive or not. She was killed by Kaido for her interruption in his fight with Kozuki Oden. He thought of himself as the only one with the right to have her as a result of his pride and possessiveness. Statistics He took full advantage of his power over Oden by forcing him to humiliate himself in public and to grovel in his presence. In the Land of Wano, we've already got to witness some of the greatest fights in the One Piece series. [79] Orochi ordered his samurai to kill the duo but froze as Zoro sent a deadly air slash toward him, though it was intercepted by Kyoshiro. However, he was met with disappointing news that the plot to stop the Kozuki rebellion had failed. When he worked as a servant for Yasuie, Orochi outwardly exhibited a timid and servile attitude, but this was all an act to steal money by preying on the sympathies of others. When the news reached the castle tower in the capital of flowers. Fukurokuju revealed that Ushimitsu Kozo was Shimotsuki Yasuie, and Orochi ordered for his execution to be broadcast, to which Kyoshiro revealed that the equipment was already set up for Komurasaki's funeral. One Piece Chapter 933 also featured the death of the most beautiful woman in the Wano Country. Orochi paralyzed in the face of Zoro's attack. He appeared to be balding, with his dark purple hair being mostly seen on the sides and back of his head, and he had a long topknot in the back, as well as a thin mustache that stuck upward. Type: No featured entries match the criteria. Due to his actions and role, he is the secondary antagonist in the first half of the Wano Country Arc and one of the central antagonists of the Four Emperors Saga. [15] Orochi had an extremely murderous mindset, becoming angry if a target ends up escaping from his wrath and sending countless subordinates or even assassins to deal with individuals he wanted gone, no matter how threatening they may be, as well as those that protect or assist said individuals. They also secretly longed for the Kozuki Family to return, wishing above all else for Orochi and Kaido to be overthrown. [14] Orochi was petty enough to kill any man, woman or child who offended him, going to any lengths to see them dead (only showing temporary hesitation towards a woman he held feelings for) and refusing to take responsibility for the consequences of his own actions, preferring to blame others instead by branding them as criminals. [OP QUIZ] Can you put these characters in the correct camp, Marine or Pirate? Orochi is cruel toward poor Wano citizens and apathetic to the misery he causes. Whenever Orochi brought up the prophecy about the Kozuki Family, his underlings generally did not take him seriously though they tried not to laugh about his paranoia, knowing that they would be executed for laughing at his cowardice. Shortly after the Golden Kagura on Onigashima, Orochi was beheaded by Kaido, one of the Four Emperors of the Sea and his ally. Kurozumi Orochi took over the reins to Wano Country back when Oden was journeying the seas with Roger. He flaunted his allegiance with Kaido in their faces, mockingly stating that even the World Nobles are unable to do anything to him. Orochi had countless dissidents who were against his despotic rule, mainly samurai who were former retainers and allies of the Kozuki Family. [77], As Orochi was brought to Yasuie's execution platform in Rasetsu Town, he heard the former daimyo insult him and became enraged. For other models of this fruit, see Hebi Hebi no Mi (Disambiguation). As an ally of the Kozuki Family, Zoro was an enemy of Orochi. [48] With the people of Ebisu Town unable to express anything other than laughter, Orochi made a mockery of Yasuie's death.[49]. Affiliations: Absalom was the leader of the Zombie Soldiers and Zombie Generals of Thriller Bark prior to its collapse. [76] Later, Orochi was furious to hear that the Straw Hats escaped. Kurozumi Semimaru was a member of the Kurozumi Family and a major supporter of Kurozumi Orochi.Semimaru ate the Bari Bari no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to create barriers at will. Marines? Due to his release from his imprisonment and in his weakened state, Kurozumi Orochi was killed when Velvet and Julan sliced him in half. [33] Around 30 years ago, Orochi went to the shogun's castle with Higurashi, who disguised herself as Oden with her Devil Fruit powers. Though arrogant, Orochi avoided being overconfident. Devil Fruit Once again, his death was never confirmed and the fact that he had a Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit of an eight-headed serpent means that he could very well come back to life. [58] However, Orochi's efforts failed due to Kin'emon misreading Yasuie's message as well as Orochi miscalculating the distances of the provinces, acting too late in stopping them. He also allowed most of his poor citizens to be enslaved by the Beast Pirates to hard labor in weapon factories for the sake of his own prosperity in the Flower Capital. However, Fukurokuju informed the shogun that the Flower Capital was on lockdown with the Orochi Oniwabanshu and the Mimawarigumi on guard. [28] He also implored an orphan Kanjuro into his services to spy on Oden and Kanjuro loyally followed Orochi's instructions to the point that he was willing to die to play the role. Orochi had many subordinates in Wano, including the Kyoshiro Family, a yakuza gang. Thoughts on if the Straw Hat group will go up against Orochi and his followers or if it will be left to Kin'emon and the other samurai? Orochi swung his sword at Toko, but was then slapped by Komurasaki, who refused to apologize. As Orochi objected, stating that the Flower Capital was his territory, Kaido promptly and unceremoniously decapitated him, ending the tyrant's life once and for all. Kumo Kumo no Mi, Model: Rosamygale Grauvogeli, From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc, The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet, The Kurozumi Family gloating over Oden's humiliation. [61], Orochi had great marksmanship skills, having been seen wielding a flintlock pistol and rifle. [76] Fukurokuju then reported to Orochi that they had captured Ushimitsu Kozo, but Orochi was in no mood to hear about it as he continued mourning the loss of Komurasaki. Even though Oden successfully survived one hour, Orochi decided to execute him and his retainers with a firing squad. However, when given the choice to join Kaido or die, they quickly pledged their loyalty to Kaido for self preservation instead of opposing him on Orochi's behalf, showing that they had no conviction for Orochi. One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. She used this fruit to deceive the Wano administration by posing as Kozuki Oden and Sukiyaki and using their likenesses to promote Orochi. He was allied with Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, until the latter betrayed and killed him for his New Onigashima Project.Orochi ate the Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Yamata no Orochi, a Mythical Zoan-type of Devil Fruit which allowed him to transform into an eight-headed snake. Thus, he fed them faulty SMILE fruits to rob them of the ability to express sadness. He was further angered to learn that she was Yasuie's daughter.[44]. Kozuki Toki was the wife of the daimyo of Kuri, Kozuki Oden, and the mother of Momonosuke and Hiyori. He appears to be balding, with his dark purple hair being mostly seen on the sides and back of his head, and he has a long topknot in the back, as well as a thin mustache that sticks upward. Kanjuro, a skilled actor who sought death, readily agreed, and Orochi gave him a Devil Fruit to eat. By the time Oden left his wife and children in the care of his retainers 26 years ago, Orochi had joined forces with Kaido and constructed weapons factories. 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